San Francisco Bay Area
Welcome to the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America. We are a community of professionals, researchers, students, and retirees within the field of acoustics. We aim to expand our knowledge, share insights and experiences, and advance the local acoustics community in the SF Bay Area. All are welcome to join our organization and participate in events.
Setting the Tone for Launch: Acoustics & Aerospace
When: Thursday, October 17th, 2024 | 6pm
Where: 364 Bush Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
Cost: Free to SF Bay Area Regional ASA Chapter members
$15 for non-members / $5 for non-member students
Presenter: Eric Friedlander – CTO and Co-Founder of Acoustic Research Systems (
When qualifying space payloads for launch, reverberant field acoustic testing has been utilized since the Apollo-era. Advancements in loudspeaker technology and control methodologies has enabled the creation of a new approach called Direct Field Acoustic Testing (DFAN). The presentation will provide an overview of aerospace environmental testing, acoustic testing, and DFAN testing specifically. The development and the deployment of a novel, next-gen acoustic device (ARS’s Neutron™), purpose-built for the execution of large-scale, high-intensity DFAN tests will be covered in-depth.
Get in Touch
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or would like to find out more about our organization.
Platinum Level Sponsors
Silver Level Sponsors
Paoletti Consulting
Resonance Acoustics
Unika Vaev
West General